Psyche To Soul Services


Hypnosis is an altered state of increased awareness. A link which forms a bridge between the mind and the body - the conscious and the subconscious.

Complete mental and physical relaxation is brought about by co-operation between the knowledge and technique of the therapist and the mind and imagination of the subject.

Quantum Healing

I have been personaly trained as a practitioner in Levels 1 and 2 of this method of hypnosis by Dolores Cannon from the USA. You can find me listed as a practitioner on Dolores’ website. Dolores pioneered this particular hypnosis technique and was an Internationally renowned regression hypnotherapist, speaker and author more than 19 books. Even though Dolores has passed over now, she remains very active in interacting with her trained practitioners through the QHHT client sessions and also through the original support forum which is a forum that enables her practitoners to directly connect and share in her knowledge and her continued guidance. God bless your incredible work Dolores!

This method  takes you to the very deep levels of the superconsciousness to not only find answers about past and future lives but focuses on healing where possible on the physical body and other levels.  

Allow 3 hours for these sessions.

Past Life Regression

I have been trained and supervised by Paul Aurand from the New York Healing Center USA in past life regression hypnotherapy.
Paul has been a therapist for over 30 years, is a Master Hypnotherapist,  international trainer, a past president and current director of education of The Newton Institute. In 2015 Paul was awarded 2015 Educator of the Year by the International Association of Counsellors and Therapists. As a student of Paul's I can understand why he is so deserving of this award.

In these past life sessions you are guided back in time, sometimes back through childhood or the womb, and then into past lives.

Inexplicable feelings about a person, place, situation or event are often the residual of some past experience that is carried in the deeper parts of the mind, body or soul, beyond our full understanding or awareness.

In these sessions, you can explore and heal patterns, contracts, agreements, perceptions or misperceptions, beliefs and strategies that were formed, often on an unconscious level.

This brings new insights and healing for individuals in a safe fast and unique way.
A past life session is a precurser to a Life Between Lives session.

Allow 3 hours for these sessions.

Life Between Lives Spiritual Integration

I have been trained by The Michael Newton Institute USA in this form of hypnosis.  I am an accredited and certified practitioner and current member of The Newton Institute USA.  You can find me listed as a practitioner on The Newton Institute website.

This unique method allows access to your life in the spirit world where you can view what happens in between your incarnations (or lives), where you go and what you learn and explore at a deep level the meaning behind your own spiritual memories and soul growth.

This is a safe,  advanced technique, utilising deep states of hypnosis to access soul memories.

LBL sessions are extremely profound,  and take you beyond past lives, helping you discover and review your life purpose.

Learn soul lessons being fulfilled, by passing through these experiences. Personally meet spirit guides, your soul group, The Council of Wise Elders and view akashic records.

Sessions explore on a very deep level and run for about  four hours. It sounds long but time is not measured on the other side. People are just amazed at where the time went.

It is recommended that you prepare for an LBL session and have had at least 1 successful past life regression before attempting an LBL session.  If you are interested in an LBL session please contact me to best discuss how to approach the session for you.

Weight Loss - Virtual Gastric Banding

I am a certified practitioner of this incredible method of weight loss. I have been trained and certified by Sheila Grainger from the UK who is a pioneer in this method.

How does it work?
The mind is trained to believe the stomach has reduced in size. At the conclusion of the sessions, you eat much less as you feel full and satisfied after eating smaller portions for each meal.

The results are similar to the more invasive surgical solution but leverage the power of the mind to help make long term behaviour changes.
This is great if you have been battling with diets for years, you will finally be able to lose weight and keep it off.

I run individual sessions or small groups.

For those those not wanting the banding method, I also offer alternative sessions.

Contact me to enquire about dates or more details.

With any of these hypnosis techniques it is important that you engage a therapist who is suitably qualified, registered and carries the required insurance and other requirements appropriate to the modalities.  Recently there have been cases of hypnotherapists who fraudulently claim to be trained and qualified by The Newton Institute for Past Life and Life Between Lives therapy when in fact they have not. Check the Newton Institute website for qualified therapists. 


Meditation Classes

Meditation for Life course - contact me for details of the next course.


Having attained Reiki Master Level or Level III - I was attuned as a Reiki Master Teacher Level in 2001 at Sacred Uluru. This sacred site is  Australia's Spiritual Heartland and the Solar Plexus of the Earth. Rock paintings in this area have found to be over 22,000 years old.and some depicting the 7 sisters or Plaedes.

Many cultures have used this life force energy for healing for thousands of years. The Chinese call it Chi or Ki, the Hindus call it Prana and the Australian Aborigines call it Mooroop.

Reiki Treatments are used for healing and relief of pain, physical ailments, emotional issues and on mental thought levels. I am also a trained master teacher in a unique method using the breath specifically to help removing pain.

Each session takes approximately 1 hour and  you remain fully clothed for any Reiki session.

To become a Reiki practitioner, this energy is activated by a series of attunements, which direct the energy flow, from the crown down through the palm of your hands. Then, with placement of the hands in certain positions, the healing energy is directed to the organs of the body underneath.  At the higher levels of Reiki  healing takes place without hands on the physical body but working in the etheric layers of the body and also sending healing via a distance.

Learn Reiki

I teach four levels of Reiki - I, II, III or Master Level and then Reiki Teacher.  All courses include a manual.

Level I:

Self-healing and, touch healing techniques for others.

Practical - hands on component.

Three energy transfers or attunements.

On completing Reiki I, the graduate is able to use Reiki hans on to heal themselves and others and use Reiki to compliment other healing modalities.

1-day seminar

Level II:

Works on the emotional and mental thought levels.

Receive three of the Reiki symbols.

Distance healing - project it t to the future - heal the past.

Practical components

An advanced level - for personal and professional practice.

Telepathic and extra-sensory perceptions are often enhanced.

Attunements focus on emotional, mental and karmic healing.

2-day seminar.

Level III or Master Practitioner Level:

At this level you have the complete system.

It includes receiving another attunement and 2 symbols.

Acceleration of your spiritual path is most definite.

You are taught to impart the intuitive knowledge and readings for the benefit of your clients.

2 or 3-day seminar

Reiki Teacher (upon request only)


Life Purpose, Soul Guidance Coaching

This is a series of  6 weekly coaching sessions to help you in a very practical way, work through any difficulties or challenges you may be experiencing. It is psychotherapy combining in a unique way the clinical, practical, holistic, spiritual and other tools.  We work together  to uncover and understand your true self and assist you to move through the challenges and get your life back on track.     Sessions are one hour and run for 6 weeks.

A.C.E. (Ancestral Clearing Emotions)